on YouTube @SparksCreativeStories
The Sparks Collaborative Ensemble is a working group of all kinds of artists – creating performances that inspire you to look up and look sideways, to reach out and embrace this complicated world.
Sparks projects start with words, then actors, dancers, visual and sound artists use the words – and each other’s work – as a spark. Together, we build joyous art none of us could make alone.
We are diverse in age, gender identity, ethnicity, ability and artforms – in our work and in the audiences that we serve. We create performances both for and with kids, artists of all abilities, creative adventurers – and you.
Sparks logo by Kim Dohrman of Creative Clay
NEA-Creative Pinellas Beyond Placemaking Grant 2024
a Sparks Collaboration with Creative Clay and the USF St Petersburg College of Marine Science

Scientists and artists share a passion for exploration and discovery.
This project sparks inclusive collaboration between Creative Clay‘s visual and performing artists with disabilities, USF St Petersburg’s College of Marine Science researchers, dancers, a poet, filmmakers, an ASL interpreter, actors performing in English and Spanish, and a playwright – exploring creative possibilities and ways of sharing science through the arts.
What Shines Beneath
April 21, 2024
A preview of our NEA grant collaboration – an inclusive dance performance with Creative Clay’s words in English, Spanish and ASL.
An illustrated audiobook celebrating science and discovery – inspired by the crucial work of Dr. Mya Breitbart at the USFSP College of Marine Science on researching the cause and cure of an epidemic killing long-spined sea urchins – and her verve for science and problem-solving.
A beautiful theatre-and-science collaboration performed by Mimi Rice, directed by James Rayfield and illustrated by Mya Breitbart and her research team.
The Rainbow Book
Celebrating Rainbows and Love is Love
An illustrated audiobook for kids – created by 43 visual, literary and performing artists ages 3 through 86, all creating work inspired by rainbows, and the word “rainbow” in many voices.
Featured in the Creative Pinellas 2023 Arts Annual exhibit November 9, 2023 to January 14, 2024 at the Creative Pinellas Gallery in Largo – and in the FOCUS exhibit January 27-February 25, 2024. Included in the book How We Made It Over: Educating for Social Justice in the Spirit of Love, edited by Dr. Gary L. Lemons, published 2024.
Find the many lovely artists involved here.
July 30, 2023
a Benefit for The Studio@620

A Rollicking, Gender-Bending Radio-Theatre-Telenovela Adventure in Four Cliffhanger Episodes, illustrated by Creative Clay to benefit The Studio@620.
Written through the long pandemic with James Rayfield and Tom Sivak and performed by the amazing Vickie Daignault, Robin O’Dell, Stephanie Roberts and David Warner.
See more of Creative Clay’s
terrific illustrations here.
When the Tuba Shows Up,
It’s Creative Clay’s Big Fundraiser
April 21, 2023
Nova 535, St. Petersburg
A spectacular live performance developed with the Member Artists and Transition Students of Creative Clay, choreographer Paula Kramer, dancer Helen Hansen French, actor Stephanie Roberts and Tuba player Kendrick Wilson.

March 11, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg

Written for Paula Kramer and Mimi Rice, a short work of dance and theatre set in Tom Kramer‘s gorgeous photography exhibition – about rewriting the stories you tell about your life, to eliminate the laundry and the everyday, and celebrate the magic.
Part of a beautiful performance celebrating Tom Kramer’s visual artwork and including dances choreographed by Helen Hansen French and Andee Scott.
May 20, 2022
Nova535, St Petersburg FL

A celebration of being you, being spectacular and being seen – a Sparks Collaborative Ensemble project with visual art, voice and movement by Creative Clay – with dancer Helen Hansen French, actor Jan Neuberger, choreographer Paula Kramer and words by me.
Part of Creative Clay‘s Spring for the Arts fundraiser.

In Celebration
Throughout 2021
at Creative Clay
A Sparks Collaborative Ensemble project – creating movement, visual art, theatre, poetry and song inspired by words, with the terrific artists of Creative Clay and our wonderful team members actor Jan Neuberger, singer and actor Stephanie Roberts and poet Helen Pruitt Wallace.
An exhibition of the visual artwork from this project and special performances took place at Creative Clay to celebrate Paula Kramer’s spectacular 85th birthday. This project was funded by a grant awarded to Paula Kramer by the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs and the St. Pete Arts Alliance.

Paula Kramer mentored visual artists Chris C. and Hanna V. as they created a dance inspired by my short play Tune for the Triangles, performed during rehearsals by Vickie Daignault.
A rousing rendition of Boing! was performed by Gina K., Lindsay J., Marquise R. and Jan Neuberger.
Stephanie Roberts created the celebratory crowd-pleasing song “Good Time” with suggestions by Mikey J. and Sarah D., and all three performed together – plus an encore with the audience all dancing. Marissa H. wrote the ekphrastic poem, “Dream Catcher” inspired by her painting of the same name, with mentorship from St. Pete Poet Laureate Helen Pruitt Wallace.

Sparks in the Rain
November 13, 2021 at 6:45 pm
Creative Pinellas Gallery
A Sparks Collaborative Ensemble project – a colorful and humorous look at family, memory and Florida weather. Featuring dancers Helen Hansen French and Fernando Chonqui, actor K Chinthana Sotakoun, visual art by Creative Clay and ukulele player and visual artist Emily Stehle.

Part of the Creative Pinellas Arts Annual festival 2021.
Creative Clay’s visual art inspired by this script was on display at the Creative Pinellas Gallery November 11 through December 19, 2021.

Tune for the Triangles
and Boing!
May 15, 2021
Roser Park, St. Petersburg
A joyous collaboration to celebrate the installation of new public artwork in lovely Roser Park – inspired by the bounce and rolling in Jeff Whipple’s artwork.

Created with Paula Kramer and featuring actor Jan Neuberger, dancers Helen Hansen French, Fernando Chonqui and Charlotte Johnson, Dwayne White on trumpet and Kendrick Wilson on tuba.
With a jolly parade before and after, plus the most spectacular downhill-rolling mic delivery Mayor Rick Kriseman has ever had, thanks to Fernando.
And well worthwhile when Jan asked a little girl after the show if she’d “like to be a ball” and she said yes, so they started bouncing.
Happy New Year
May 2, 2021
Sunscreen Film Festival
January 14 at 6:15 pm
Dunedin International Film Festival
December 11-20, 2020
The Studio@620, St. Petersburg
November 15, 2020
Creative Pinellas Arts Annual
A short film on disconnection, re-connection – and finding new ways to connect.
A collaborative creation with choreographer Paula Kramer, director Jim Rayfield. . . dancers Helen Hansen French, Fernando Chonqui and Jessica Obiedzinski. . . visual artists Carrie Jadus, Tony Palms and Ana Maria Vasquez. . . filmmakers Eugenie Bondurant, Mary Rachel Quinn and Stefanie Davis. . . pianist-composer Tom Sivak. . . sound designer Matt Cowley and voice actors Bob Devin Jones and Sharon Scott.
This project is made possible thanks to a St. Pete Arts Alliance Individual Artist Grant and Paula Kramer’s Creative Pinellas Professional Artist Grant.

Tiny Plays by Telephone
May 17-June 4, 2020

Imaginative audio stories for kids and sleepless adults, performed live on the telephone in the stressed-out early days of the pandemic.
With Ned Averill-Snell, Eugenie Bondurant, Jan Neuberger, Mary Rachel Quinn, Stephanie Roberts, David Warner and Kate Young. Directed by Jim Rayfield, original song by Kate Young and soundscape by Matt Cowley.
With many thanks, as ever, to The Studio@620.
April 2020
A Dance-Powered Spaceship Launched by Words

Recorded live on Zoom in the early part of the pandemic – a play based on the favorite words of Creative Clay member artists and staff, performed by Eugenie Bondurant and Mary Rachel Quinn with dancer Paula Kramer, directed by James Rayfield and illustrated by Creative Clay.
January 2020
USF St Petersburg College of Marine Science

A collaboration with the University of South Florida St. Petersburg’s Marine Science Department – with actor James Rayfield, dancer Paula Kramer, a bag of balloons and an electron microscope.
Dance, Theatre and Science

While you’re wading in the water, distant galaxies are beckoning. When you’re stuck in traffic, think of flying. Sometimes quantum physics makes more sense than doing laundry.
Commissioned for the 2018 GASP! Festival at the Tampa Museum of Art and performed at USF St Pete, The Studio@620 and the Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg.
Created with choreographers Helen Hansen French and Paula Kramer, dancers Helen French, Erin Cardinal, Brian Fidalgo II and Alexander Jones, actors Eugenie Bondurant and Chris Rutherford, and viola player A.J. Vaughan.
Performances at the MFA and USFSP featured actors Eugenie Bondurant and Ned Averill-Snell, dancers Helen French, Alex Jones, Fernando Chonqui and Samantha Miller, and viola player A.J. Vaughan.
September 2019
Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg
A play for one actor, one viola player
and an unlimited number of visual artists

Performed by Lisa Tricomi and the amazing artists of Creative Clay – with set design by Creative Clay, directed by James Rayfield and choreographed by Paula Kramer, and original music by viola player A.J. Vaughan.
A performance that inspired several hundred enthusiastic audience members to join the parade into the Museum of Fine Arts’ gorgeous display of Creative Clay’s ArtLink work.
February 7, 2019
Katee Tully’s ArtsXchange Studio, St Pete

Written for and performed by dancer Paula Kramer and actor Chris Rutherford, surrounded by multi-media artist Katee Tully’s loving and immersive installation.
April 2019
The Palladium Theater, St Pete

Created with dancers Helen Hansen French and Alex Jones, sculptor Mark Aeling, sound designer Matt Cowley and lighting designer Joseph Oshry, performance bodypaint by Ana Maria Vásquez.
Mad Science
October 2019
The Studio@620, St. Petersburg

Celebrating Tom and Paula Kramer’s 65th anniversary with a dance-powered spaceship launched by actors Eugenie Bondurant, Jan Neuberger and Lisa Tricomi, dancers Helen Hansen French and Crystal DelGiudice, Tom Sivak on piano and Matt Cowley on drums. Directed by Vickie Daignault.
Fire Dance
October 2017
Florida Holocaust Museum
A Short Play with Dance Based on a Painting by Murray Zimiles.
I’m Here
March 2017
Tampa Museum of Art